Monday, February 9, 2009

I think these these rights were created because of segregation between black and white people. I don't think that any thing is missing from the rights because it explains every thing a equal all people should do in this world. If the government would abuse these human rights i would start a strike and make them stop.

Human rights list

1.)freedom of speech 2.) a right to have food 3.)a right to buy any thing you want
4.) a right to use technology
5.) a right to own a house
6.) a right to find work
7.) a right to learn
8. )a right to go to school
9.) a right to have a job
10.) the right to be in a mixed school

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Hebrews stayed in Babylon for 50 years. Nebuchadnezzar did this because he probably wanted their natural resources and he wanted to conquer land. Like a man is stuffing himself and he wants more he just like kings like more things. I think that the people in Tibet were forced out of their homes because China wanted more land. I think that powerful countries should of stopped this killing because that is sad to lose people you love.

A regular park you see all day Where all the children go to play They swing and slide Kids going on a bike ride I see lots of trees Flowers and bees I also see grass While i pass I also see ladies With their little tiny babies Playing in water With their sons and daughters Going to the park was lots of fun now my day is almost done Now it's time for me to go Before i miss my favorite show

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nebuchadnezzar II took the Hebrews because he wanted to conquer them. He also wanted them because he wanted their resources. Another reason he wanted them is to make the people in that land slaves.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A good thing about living in a monarch is you may get to be ruler some day. Another reason is you can live in royalty. The bad things are not many girls get to rule as queen. Another reason is rulers sometimes make bad laws that are unfair. I would not like to live in a monarchy because i am a girl and unless there is no boy to rule i can't rule as queen.