I was quietly reading my book while the other kids were talking.My mind was into my book when my video watch was beeping.I had a message but I was going to answer it later.The day went on with my regular schedule.I ate lunch then I went on with the after noon part of school.I went home after school.I finally answered my message it was top secret Agent R no one knew what his name was not even me. The message said there is a secret lab that is in space and they want me to check it out.I put on my space suit.They lend me a Million dollar space craft used by NASA.The trip took hours, at least 2 hours.I got another message they finally found out that the lab was inside a crater hole in Jupiter.I had a special suit resistant to heat.I only found one crater in Jupiter.I went inside the crater,or at least tried to.I needed a secret password but what was so ridiculous was that the password was password I laughed.I entered the crater hole.There was a giant computer with lots of buttons.I found out that Dr.Evil was the one who built the lab in space.Dr.Evil said''i know this plan is going to work this time.Agent K is not even here to stop me.'' ''Think again'' I said ''I'm right here.Dr.Evil turned around and he looked at me.''WHAT!how did you get here''. he said I flipped and kicked his blueprints he had a picture of a orb that he was going to send to earth.It was made destroy every one there.I notice that the finished orb was in a glass case about two feet away from him.I used my laser eye vision to make a square hole in the glass hole,but Dr.Evil pushed me and I fell.The fight began we pushed and kicked and punched until I got Mr.Evil tied in cables and wires.I then took the orb and melted the orb.Now the earth is safe.
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